I spent a lot of time reading about why I lost my voice and have to stay at home, not talk, etc. instead of being with my awesome fifth graders. :-(
I hope you are washing your hands! If you catch a cold virus, it could progress into what I have!
Use this link for more information: The less I use my voice, the faster it will come back!
Colds: Avoid them (hand washing) or let it run its course...
Did you know that you can't get rid of a cold-caused sore throat with antibiotics (medicines)? That's because colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only work against bacteria. Besides, taking antibiotics unnecessarily can contribute to the growing problem of "Super Bugs" or microbial resistance. When bacteria are frequently exposed to antibiotics, and become "Superbugs", you won't be able to be treated with regular medications. YIKES!