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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tonight's Sky!!!

2013 Quadrantid meteor by Susan Jensen

I hope you get a chance to go outside tomorrow-EARLY morning BEFORE 5am.
Tonight & Tomorrow the Annual Taurid's Meteor Shower Peaks!

Lenoid's Meteor Shower-Nov. 16-18th Visible from LATE evening to EARLY morning. Full Moon May Be In Way However.....

Comet ISON         Live Tracking       Mt. Lemon/UofA's Sky Tracker of ISON
Michael Jager of Jauerling, Austria captured this image of the comet on November 10, 2013.  It clearly shows that the comet, as it has approached the sun, has two tails: an ion tail (composed of ionized gas molecules) and a dust tail (created by bits of dirt that have come off the comet's nucleus).  The ion tail points directly away from the sun, but the dust tail doesn't.  That is why you see the two tails as separate.  Image via Michael Jager.  Used with permission.Chasing Comet ISON  Tracking Chart