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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby Chick Web Cam

They're hatching!

Studying for Math MAP Monday!

Student Website Suggestions:

Cameron- Everyday Math Games
Mason- MAP Math
Ria-Shepard Software Math
Sean-Turtle Head Multiplication
Hunter-Capacity Song
Area of Shapes
          Great job! YAY!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Get Ready to......

Beat your NWEA MAP Score!
Be ready Monday-Last math test for the school year! Maybe..
Thank you to those who are working VERY hard to study, complete assignments and have even created their project. Great job!

Science News 
 Earth Sky
Your Brain on Music-Interesting Experiment!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day!

Ecology/Ecosystem-The study of the interaction of people with their environment (land, animals, etc.)
- Tropical Rainforest (Near Equator)
- Tropical Savanna (Africa)
- Desert (Middle East, etc.)
- Mediterranean Woodland (Coniferous Forests)
- Mid-latitude Grassland (Oklahoma, etc.)
- Mid-latitude Deciduous Forest (East Coast of North America)
- Tundra (North; Canada, Alaska)
- Ice Caps (North/South Poles)

List of Endangered Animals

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Place Your Bets....

*Friday's attempt was cancled due to bad weather.
Will Antares launch Saturday, Sunday or sometime next week? Comment below to vote!
Don't miss it!
Check out the links before 3pm (our time) each day (5pm Eastern time) to find out!

Obital Sciences 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Poetry Month

Enter Poetry Contest: Poetic Power
Read Silly Poems at Giggle Poetry
HIGH Reader Poetry Site
Literary Words to Know by Grade Level
BBC Poetry        Figurative Language: Quiz
Find Your State Test!

LOVE SCIENCE? Check out THIS blog: Mr. C's Class Blog

Saturday, April 6, 2013

AIMS Review :-)

      Friday was BUSY! 
*I did not get a chance to copy your study/prep packets for AIMS. 

Here are a few links to help you prepare:
1. AIMS Online Practice Links
2. 4th Grade Science
3. Science Workbook
4. Try this quiz!
5. 5th Grade Practice Online



You are ALL 
wonderful and motivated students!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can a launched missile take out an asteroid?

There are scientists working to develop technology to intercept asteroids. However, to take out an asteroid, a missile really needs to impact (hit) it directly. Because asteroids are really piles of porous rubble and contain numerous pieces (not just one), it would be nearly impossible to take out with a single direct hit. And, even given a direct hit, the force may only nudge the asteroid a tiny bit, which would require significant advance knowledge that it was on a collusion course.
*My two cents? Seems like a long shot to me.
Greg’s answer: Very complicated. If a missile were to hit an asteroid, just because it breaks it up doesn't mean the pieces will change their orbit (the direction at which they travel)- they still come at us. Also, a missile hit might not break it up well. Asteroids are big! How big of a missile can we send?
At this time, scenarios computer simulations for deflecting (changing the direction) an asteroid involves:
  1. Knowing about an asteroid about it 5 or more years before we know it may hit Earth
  2. Sending something up (an rocket motor, whatever) to just change the asteroid’s path away from Earth.
  3. If an asteroid was on a path toward Earth, all it takes really is a mild nudge (move it), but how do we do that?                           *More information and research is needed.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cells ALIVE!