I spent a lot of time reading about why I lost my voice and have to stay at home, not talk, etc. instead of being with my awesome fifth graders. :-(
I hope you are washing your hands! If you catch a cold virus, it could progress into what I have!
Use this link for more information: The less I use my voice, the faster it will come back!
Colds: Avoid them (hand washing) or let it run its course...
Did you know that you can't get rid of a cold-caused sore throat with antibiotics (medicines)? That's because colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only work against bacteria. Besides, taking antibiotics unnecessarily can contribute to the growing problem of "Super Bugs" or microbial resistance. When bacteria are frequently exposed to antibiotics, and become "Superbugs", you won't be able to be treated with regular medications. YIKES!
This caption about how medicines can stop colds is breath taking! this is the coolest blog ever! Right now my focus is to write an article for Bear Essential about my interviews over the past two months. In addition, my parents and I are still searching for an environmentallist I can interview. If that doesn't work out I'll probably go back to Garret Lewis and ask him his opinion about the violence on the border of Mexico. Thanks again for feeding the seed and introducing me to news reporting. I'm sure that everyone in the class has learned numerous things from you. I'll see you on Friday, and have a great day!:)
I think I'm getting what you've got. I started coughing really bad at lunch, then my voice started sounding weird, and I tasted mucus. (yuck) My throat started hurting pretty bad. I think I got it from you and Mrs. Shivers, she has it to.
I watched the video about how the viruses have little keys on them, and they land on the cell which has locks and if the keys and the locks meet the cell lets the virus in. I love science! I learn more and more things from this blog and you every day!
If you want some robot sites to read - Here they are
This weekend is going to be thrilling! I'm going back to Bens Bells this weekend to paint some more kindness coins! If you haven't heard of Tour to Tucson it's where men race around the city of Tucson riding bikes. It's a huge deal so my mom is going to try email one of them and maybe if I'm lucky I can interview one of them! I thanked my my parents and thanks for feeding the seed. I feel like fifth grade is my first big step on my way to becoming a news reporter. Thank you.
Oh my gosh, my throat is throbbing. this morning I could barely talk. When ever I swallow mucus goes down and my throat stings. I just want to scream, I really don't feel good, but yet I still want to come to school. School hasn't been going so well while you've been gone, people have been throwing erasers at each other again. Well, table three has.
get well soon
Are you coming back tomorrow.
I have been so bored this weekend, my mom has been hurting so bad and she can't stop being tired because she has fibromialja. And Julian you inspire me you started your dream early and your trying to fulfill it. My little brother has been driving me NUTS! Every morning my throaght is killing me. Anyway I wish I could go to school right now but I'll see you guys tomorrow!
I am so happy you were back today. People were driving Mr. Mgraugh nuts! My mom is really stressed. My nana's coming back tomorrow so on Wednesday I get to go to Saddlebrook and get my puppy! I really miss him, when the world has turned it's back on me, he's the only one I can go to.
Hi guys! It's always fun to hear from you outside of school! Sierra, I hope you are feeling better and that your mom is doing okay with her fibromialja. Glad to hear your dog will come home soon, hope your brother goes a little easier on you! Thanks for the updates, I'm so sorry that our class wasn't ideal for the substitute. Hearing that makes me sad. :-( I really wosh more kids in our class were more responsible and cared about their learning. Now more than ever, learning as much as you can at school is SO important. You guys see it, why can't others? What makes you different than the kids who don't care? If I knew the answers, maybe I could fix it. What are your thoughts? :-)
as long as your back students will behave and when your not here students think that they can do anything they want to, BUT NO.
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