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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Day Weekend!

How wonderful it is to have Friday off from school. Tomorrow as you enjoy this time off, please consider using your time to think about and remember our Veterans. What is a Veteran? Don't forget to read, write your report, finish any missing assignments. Spelling packets and test on Monday. Geography quiz on Tuesday. 
Try these links:
1. Do you enjoy a challenge?
2. Love science
3. Do you want to be a scientist someday?
*Sierra, Kristen and Julian are going to the Humane Society. Take pictures, so we can add them to the newsletter! Who is up for volunteering their time?
How are you spending your weekend? Comment below: :-)


Julian said...

Thanks so much for the outline of my article! I am so thankful that you took time out of your day to help me. In twenty years I'll be the main reporter on CNN news. Thanks so much for feeding the seed. I'm sure everyone in the class has learned numerous things from you! I hope to have my article finished by this weekend so that I can email it to Bear Essential! It is also important that we honor our troops. They risk thier lives for us everyday. Thanks again for feeding the seed! Have a great weekend!:-)

Julian said...

These science sites are spectacular! If I couldn't be a news reporter, I would be a scientist! I'm sorry that today was so hard for you. I am the exact opposite of Occupy Tucson. If you want the best of life you have to work. I probably wouldn't have done these interviews if it hadn't been for you feeding the seed! Thanks so much. In addition, I want to say thanks to Sierra for giving me the address of the humane society! Thanks to all of the students who decided to challenge themselves and join the newsletter! You guys will do great. Thanks so much Mrs. Smith, for inspiring me to be a news reporter!

Unknown said...

Wow thanks for the comments Julian! I'm glad you liked the web sites. There is SO MUCH information to read and learn about. Isn't it wonderful? Today was challenging because writing is difficult, but the more we write, the better we'll all get. The concepts we are focusing on include all subjects except math. WOW! That can be very challenging! Our class is learning to read for information, sift through it in order to determine what is and isn't needed, organize it, write a report, and in addition, come up with creative presentation ideas, all while trying to be "Green". That's a lot! Everyone is being challenged and the process of it all isn't easy, but, practice makes PERFECT! Our class will get there. By the end of the year, you'll see an amazing transformation. Kids in our class will be more independent, responsible and motivated. I may tear my hair out along the way (figuratively/ joke), but it will be worth the frustration. I hear success stories from many former students. Even though I may feel frustrated at times, it's worth it. Especially if the future of all students is brighter because they learned how to learn, the purpose-why they should learn and to never stop learning. I appreciate your continued hard work and motivation. Wouldn't it be nice, if all kids cought what you have? There are many, many others who work hard too. Sometimes it may seem like the majority of our class may not want to work hard or try, but it's usually only about 2 or 3. The real problem may be the, "I give up attitude". This negative attitude can be contagious. Learning is difficult. It's much easier for most to give up then to push themselves. As you know, helplessness gets you no where fast! Some kids need a lot more help than others, which can be a problem if there is only one teacher, especially if many students need my one on one, individual help-all at the same time. That’s tough. The good news is, we will have a student teacher beginning in January. This will provide an additional teacher in our classroom every day, so I can offer more help to those who need it, spend more time challenging the REACH group, work with the newsletter group, etc. I look forward to that. Have an awesome weekend! Thanks again Julian. 

Julian said...

My article is likely to be done by Monday! Then I can e-mail it to Bear Essential news! Thanks again for everything! Writing articles is my passion and thanks to you I have done so many great interviews! Today is veterans day and it is important that we remember those who risked thier own lives for us. They are very brave. We will never forget our troops! Thanks for introducing me to current events! You are an awesome teacher! I love everything that we are learning about! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Sierra S. said...

Julian if you are the Main Reporter on CNN news, I'll be watching everyday!

Sierra S. said...

I spent my weekend talking to my dad on Skype.