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Monday, October 24, 2011

Current Event Sites

1. Technology
2. Australia- See the Great Barrier Reef live!
3. Environment


Anonymous said...

The earthquake in Turkey is bad. 7.3 is a gigantic earthquake. It's their biggest earthquake in a decade. That is terrible. Thanks for all the cool current events today, they were amazing. You are way better than an ordinary teacher.

Anonymous said...

I was at Outback and we were outside to eat and there were bats and I told my mom that Kristen thought that bats were cute and she yelled at me ,"Don't tell me that!"

Sierra S.

Anonymous said...

Newsletter is so much better than talking after I finish my work. Plus thanks for nominating me for peacebuilder of the week Julian, and you're right, Mrs. Smith is way better than a ordinary teacher.

Sierra S.

Anonymous said...

Australia looks awesome with the moon out. I almost thought it was morning because the moon was so bright, but then I remembered it's Thursday and we get home early so it's morning here and night there. I'm kind of use to time change because in Korea it's Friday there and Thursday here.

Sierra S.