12/2/11 Reading/Science focus on MARS
Science Presentations
in progress-Dioramas look AWESOME!
This weekend: Guide your scientific thinking.
1. SARCEFCheck these links out:
2. Google online science fair! COOL!!
3. Our friend NEWTON!
4. See a very cool sample of a science experiment
5. Love the i-pad? Want to create your own game? THINKERS!
**********More Math Practice
Monday-Deep focus on Reading Log & Organization for writing**********
Today was awesome! I was very nervous about the spelling bee. I'm happy that I actually made it to the last three. Richie and Sierra were amazing! Tommorrow I'll bring in my book about oceans with righteous pictures! Tonight I'll start my article about organic foods vs. non-organic foods! Thanks for all of your help with the last article. It would mean alot to me if it got published but if it doesn't I can learn from my mistakes. Thanks again for your help! Have a groovy evening! (I'm not from the 60's)
Thanks Julian for your comments. Here's a short and sweet article to read about organic vs non organic.
Hello! I'm about to start writing my article and if I'm lucky I'll have the first draft done by Monday! Would it be okay with you if I gave a speech to the class about Bear Essential News on Monday? It would be phenomenal if everyone in the class could write an article, going above fifth grade standards! In, addition, I wanted to ask that if you have time, can you proof read my article? Thanks again for all of your help with the last article! It would be miraculous to me of it got published! Have a spectacular Thanksgiving! :-D
Happy Thanksgiving! On Wednesday before I went home, I was talking to Mrs. Sabri about organic vs. conventional. She told me that she buys organic foods because they're more nutritious and they don't have chemicals all over them. I didn't start my Thanksgiving with joy. This morning I pulled a muscle in my finger. It's pain like you wouldn't believe. I'm thankful that you introduced me to current events and have been feeding the seed! Thanks so much! Have a gnarly day!
Hello! Today I started drag and drop countries with Asia. It's awesome because I have all of the countries memorized. Thanksgiving was superb! My family and I had a great meal! I might have my article done by Monday! I've been really busy this weekend but now that Thanksgiving is over I might have enough time to do what I planned. Thanks for those brilliant websites about organic foods! Have a great evening!
Last night was awesome! Sierra Rose came over and I did my homework and went to her house. Tonight I might go to her house and help her with her project.
It's been a radical evening so far! A couple minutes ago my mom got an e-mail from Bear Essential News and my article is going to be put in the December issue of Bear Essential News!!! I'm so happy! I was jumping up and down a minute ago. Thanks for all of your help with that article! I want to start reporting at a young but appropriate such as 30. I am so excited that my articles getting published! Thanks for all of your help!
Julian, AHHHH!!!! I'm So excited for you! You must be extactic! Wow, you worked extremely hard and you deserve all of the credit. I am very proud of you, I bet your parents are too. Congratulations Julian, you are on your way to replacing Brian Williams-just as planned. :-) YAY!!!
Congrats Julian. That is quite an accomplishment. Perhaps you'd like to practice my joining the Video Club in January. You could convert your stories into news reports.
Awesome! Great job Julian! I knew you could do it! Plus could you e-mail my mom the power point Mrs. Smith?
YAY Julian!!! Mrs.Smith for the past years Jacob and I go on a website called northpole.com and it is Christmas related and on northpole.com/clubhouse/games it has flash cards and money counting on it and there's more games for Christmas.
Also we got are tree up on Saturday its bright and shiny. Merry Early Christmas.
I'm miserable! I'm sick, I got kicked off of an instrument in choir, and my best friend Sierra Rose is moving in two weeks!
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