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Friday, January 27, 2012


S-C-I-E-N-C-E! :-)
Way to go everyone!!! Even though technology failed us, we still had a successful pep rally. Cheer team (Eddie, Shalena, Julian, Kristen, Sierra, Fernie, Josh), -you rocked it! Our event became a team effort and I really apreciate your enthusiasm to go 'Above and Beyond Expectations'. Your research and written summaries were great; Santino, Sierra, Julian, Cameron, & Jenna from Mrs. VF's class. Kristen's clever play about Newton, played by Josh was also a success. The test tube mascots were EXTREMELY creativeFernie, Adel and Gustavo . We'll have to come up with another reason to use the costumes again.
I'm proud of all you! What a great class we have. Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

The cheer was cool!!!!

Julian said...

Hi! i just got an e-mail from Bear Essential News! I also have bad news. They didn't tell me what time it will be airing tomorrow.:-( It's not really a show it's just advertisements throughout the early shows. So I hate to say it, but I don't know what time I'll be on tomorrow. I also checked on Bear Essentials website and those videos are extremely outdated. I'm really bummed. I'm really sorry. If you see me on KVOA, let me know. I might know when I'm coming on though. I checked the KVOA site. There is a Magic School Bus episode at 9:00AM. It might be on during the commercials of that. If you do see me, let me know.

Julian said...

I'm pretty sure I'll be on TV at the commercials of the show at 9:00!

Julian said...

I actually won't be on TV today because the editors made a mistake and played the wrong kids this week. I'm very disappointed.

Julian said...

They actually did play me this morning! I saw myself on TV!

Unknown said...

Julian, I am so glad they showed it! I asked KVOA if they could send me your video in HTML code, so we could watch it Monday. Bear Essential takes quite a while to update their website. Great job!!!!

Julian said...

Hi! I added a new post to my blog about my KVOA experience! It was really cool to see myself on TV! I'll also check back occasionally on Bear Essential's website! Thanks for inspiring to go above and beyond!

Julian said...

Sorry I couldn't be at school today. I have a really bad cold and I didn't want to get any others sick. I made sure to do IXL though. I'm also following Tanner and Adel's blog! I hope KVOA sends you the video! Have a wonderful day! I'll most likely see you tomorrow!