Way to go everyone!!! Even though technology failed us, we still had a successful pep rally. Cheer team (Eddie, Shalena, Julian, Kristen, Sierra, Fernie, Josh), -you rocked it! Our event became a team effort and I really apreciate your enthusiasm to go 'Above and Beyond Expectations'. Your research and written summaries were great; Santino, Sierra, Julian, Cameron, & Jenna from Mrs. VF's class. Kristen's clever play about Newton, played by Josh was also a success. The test tube mascots were EXTREMELY creativeFernie, Adel and Gustavo . We'll have to come up with another reason to use the costumes again. I'm proud of all you! What a great class we have. Enjoy your weekend!
I hope you had a great week, full of learning opportunities. Great job with Math MAP testing. So far, everyone has increased their scores. :-)
I found a link to the show, "Flying Alaska". It's amazing to see how different life is there!
Next week as we near our Science Pep Rally, is there anyone interested in sharing a quick how to come up with a creative and original idea on the announcements with Mr. McConnell starting on Monday? If so, comment below. YAY SCIENCE!
"Get the idea from something you are interested in. If you do not really have a passion for your topic, the project will not be much fun. It also helps to know a little about your topic beforehand, so that you are not researching something completely alien to you."
All of the hard work we are about to begin with our science fair projects will be incredibly worth it. Take a sneak peek into an incredible opportunity our class will get to participate in soon~ FUN FEST!
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